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- King’s Quest 2015
King’s Quest 2015
I am unbelievably happy that Sierra released a new version of King’s Quest for the modern consoles. I remember thinking how revolutionary these games were on the Apple IIe and IBM PCs. The graphics are stunning, the game play is similar and very witty.
The game is a reimagining of the original series from the 1980s. The game is not completely point and click to have something happening. Games have progressed since the original release and so has the new King’s Quest. The puzzles are not too hard and the landscape is not as vast as some of the open world games of today. The voice actors add amazing wit! Christopher Lloyd and Wallace Shawn are amazing in this game.
Those who remember the old games of the era will be transported back in time, but with better graphics. Those who find open world games a bit unwieldy should try this game. I bought it for the PS4 the moment it was available.